Fire baskets & Containers

Making a fire on dark evenings both raises the cosiness factor and creates warmth. In order to be able to do it in a stylish, yet safe way a fire basket or fire bowl can be a good thing to have. It is equally good for grilling marshmallows as it is for lighting in the driveway to create an inviting impression. At we have a wide range of fire baskets and fire bowls for all occasions.
8 products
RöshultsRöshults Urban 70 Fire Basket, Untreated Steel
Only 1 pcs left in stock
MareldModern Fire Pit
In stock
MareldMesh Cover
Only 5 pcs left in stock
Ferm LivingOtte Fire Pit Ø85 cm, Rust
Backorder item – est. to ship in: 6-8 weeks
MuubsFire Pit Ø64 cm, Raw Iron
Backorder item – est. to ship in: 6-8 weeks